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Banana Coffee Chocolate Cake

A banana coffee chocolate cake is about to go in the oven… Let’s see how it turns out.

Mendeley goodies

I got my Mendeley t-shirt, plus a tote bang and stickers. Thanks @mendeley_com.  

Windsor Half-Marathon

How time flies, it seems that it was only yesterday that I signed to run the 2014 Windsor Half-Marathon and it is today that I have now received my runner number and information for the… Read More »Windsor Half-Marathon

What type of mushrooms are these?

Hello knowledgable readers, I am wondering if you may know what these mushrooms are. They may be the cause of my cat having stomach problems. Anyway, do let me know what you think.

Sushi burrito??

The so-called fusion of cuisines can work really rather well in many cases. The combination of culinary traditions such as Japanese and Portuguese to give rise to the great Tempura is an example of the… Read More »Sushi burrito??