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iOS Development Bootcamp

I am very excited to say that I have decided to join an iOS development bootcamp to reinforce and improve my Swift skills and get further experience with frameworks such as SwiftUI, networking, data and… Read More »iOS Development Bootcamp


Xochitlahtol – Voz Florida If you are interested in learning some words in Nahuatl, visit my Xochitalhtol site here.

RFU Podcast Feed

Yet again an opportunity to fix the RFU podcast feed… This used to be a page in the site, but with the recent revamp it seemed better to have the entry as a post. I… Read More »RFU Podcast Feed

Apple + Healthcare

Apple published a nearly 60-page report that outlines the range of health related features they manage, including also some mentions to the partnerships they have with medical institutions. This is highlights the importance that the company places… Read More »Apple + Healthcare