Jupyter not Launching after Updating to MacOS 10.12.5
Jupyter not Launching after Updating to MacOS 10.12.5
Jupyter not Launching after Updating to MacOS 10.12.5
Anaconda – Guarenteed Python packages via Conda and Conda-Forge
This is a reblog from Tryolabs. The original entry from Alan Descoins is here. === Last year, we did a recap with what we thought were the best Python libraries of 2015, which was widely shared… Read More »Top 10 Python libraries of 2016 – Reblog
First full draft of “Data Science and Analytics with Python”
It is not really news… Jupyter is the new name of the loved iPython project, and it has been for a while and as they Jupiter projects puts it themselves The language-agnostic parts of IPython… Read More »iPython Notebook is now Jupyter… I knew it!
Reblogged from The Endeavour by J. D. Cook. The Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) are independent solutions to the differential equation For negative x they act something like sin(x) and cos(x). For positive x they act something like exp(x)… Read More »Relating Airy and Bessel functions
R ranked as #1 language for data mining and analytics (source KDnuggets)