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Now Reading: “Ikigai”

Now reading “Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life” by Héctor García and Frances Miralles. According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai—what a French philosopher might call a raison d’être. Some… Read More »Now Reading: “Ikigai”

Now Reading: Rabid

Now reading: Rabid, A cultural history of the World’s most diabolical virus , by Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy

Now Reading: Sentient

Now Reading: Sentient by Jackie Higgins After reading a review of this book in the Guardian, I thought it was a good book to add to my list. Jackie Higgins explains how the animal kingdom… Read More »Now Reading: Sentient

Now Reading: Dune

It is one (or actually several) of those books you have always heard something about, but actually never read it… Now Reading: Dune by Frank Herbert. I think it is high time I change that.… Read More »Now Reading: Dune

Now Reading: Dark Data

Now Reading: Dark Data by David Hand I first came across a mention of this book in the Summer 2020 number of Imperial, the magazine for the Imperial College Community in a feature note about… Read More »Now Reading: Dark Data

Now Reading: Foundation

Now reading: Asimov’s Foundation. Actually it is a re-reading…