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Spell check Jupyter Notebooks

If you are interested in getting some spellchecking capabilities in the markdown cells of your Jupyter notebook take a look at this repo.

You can follow these instructions:

  1. Install Jupyter notebook extensions (nbextensions). This includes Spellchecker and a that is the extension we are after in this case. Type the following in a terminal, to install it using PIP.
pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

However, if Anaconda is being used the recommended method is to use conda, as shown below

conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

When you start your Jupyter notebook you will see a new tab: The configuration interface. In the main menu of Jupyter notebook a new tab named Nbextension will appear.

2. You need to get hold of suitable dictionaries in UTF-8 encoding. I am including some en British English and Spanish (Spain and Mexico) in this repo.

Download the files and place them in the following directory


Note that the directory above depends on your actual installation. For instance you may find that with Anaconda on a mac you will need to place the files in the following path:


3. Point the extension to the correct path.

For the British English dictionaries use the following configuration:

  • Language code for typo.js: en_GB
  • Dictionary .dic file: ./typo/dictionaries/en_GB.dic
  • Dictionary .aff file: ./typo/dictionaries/en_GB.aff

For the Spanish (Spain) ones:

  • Language code for typo.js: es_ES
  • Dictionary .dic file: ./typo/dictionaries/es_ES.dic
  • Dictionary .aff file: ./typo/dictionaries/es_ES.aff

For the Spanish (Mexico) ones:

  • Language code for typo.js: es_MX
  • Dictionary .dic file: ./typo/dictionaries/es_MX.dic
  • Dictionary .aff file: ./typo/dictionaries/es_MX.aff

More dictionaries are available from:
