The two videos below were made a few years ago to support a Science Communication and Group Project module at the School of Physics Astronomy and Mathematics at the University of Hertfordshire. The work was supported by the Institute of Physics and the HE STEM programme. I also got support from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. The tools are probably a bit dated now, but I hope the principles still help some students trying to get their work seen.
The students were encouraged to share and communicate the results of their projects via a video and they were supported by tutorials on how to do screencasts.
Students were also encouraged to prepare technical documentation and the videos for using LaTeX and structuring their documents with LaTeXwere very useful.
Technical Writing
This presentation addresses some issues we should take into account when writing for technical purposes.
Presentation Advice
In this tutorial we will address some of points that can help you make a better presentation either for a live talk or for recording.