I have recently taken Mojave for a spin and I am really happy with the changes in the new OS. I know it is merely eye-candy, but I really like the dark theme. Things have been working well, but I came across a nagging issue with my MagicMouse:
For some reason the secondary click would simply not work. I had made sure the settings were enabled by making sure that the “Secondary Click” option was ticked (see screenshot below). I tried ticking it on and off, restarting the machine, deleting the mouse and reconnecting it… nothing had worked…
Finally I decided to take a look at some of the plist files and here is my solution to this problem:
- Go to the ~/Library/Preferences/ directory
- Delete the following files:
com.apple.AppleMultitouchMouse.plist com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.mouse.plist
Restart the machine
Et voilà!