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Essential Matlab and Octave – Endorsement

With the up-coming publishing of my book Essential Matlab and Octave, it is great to star receiving endorsements from practitioners and lecturers that have had a chance to review the book. Here I have the pleasure of sharing one:

Essential Matlab Octave Rogel-Salazar


From: Dr Alan McCall, University of Hertfordshire.

The text provides a clear and easy paced introduction to Matlab and Octave. The presentation is example led and contains plenty of useful applications drawn from mathematics, physics and engineering. This beginner’s handbook will suit a broad scientific readership.

Key features:

  • The in-parallel coverage of Matlab and Octave.
  • All key software features are covered in a concise and careful manner.
  • Includes many of the common scientific computing tasks for which the software can be used.
  • Contains a wide range of applications from linear algebra, portfolio analysis, differential equations, signal processing, wave motion and quantum mechanics.
  • Provides lots of useful practical tips not found in other texts.
  • The numerous in text examples and end of chapter exercises encourage learning by doing.
  • A suitable text for a short course or a useful reference for self-study.

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