I recently updated my version of Octave using Homebrew and something went a bit eerie… Nothing major except that instead of plotting to the Aquaterm terminal, Octave and Gnuplot were only happy with X11. Not the greatest of issues, but I really prefer the look of graphs in Aquaterm and here are some steps I followed to get things sorted:
First I uninstalled gnuplot from Homebrew using:
brew uninstall gnuplot
Just in case the problem was with AquaTerm I re-downloaded it and installed it again. You can obtain AquaTerm here. I then reinstalled gnuplot just to realise that some symlinks were not created. You can check them thy typing:
ls /usr/local/lib/libaquaterm* ls /usr/local/include/aquaterm/*
If they do not, you can set them up by typing the following commands in your shell:
sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Versions/A/AquaTerm /usr/local/lib/libaquaterm.dylib sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Versions/A/AquaTerm /usr/local/lib/libaquaterm.1.0.0.dylib sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Versions/A/Headers/* /usr/local/include/aquaterm/
That did the trick for me. I hope you find this helpful.