This month it is ten years since Tate Modern first opened its doors. I do remember it very well as it was one of the things that I was really looking forward to visit, as those were the first few months that I had been in this fantastic place called London.
As an adopted Londoner, I do feel very proud of thes magnificent exhibition space and I have seen many of the events that have taken place there: Rothko, Dali, Kahlo, Matisse, etc, etc, etc.
I do love the view as you approach the Tate from the Millenium Bridge and that is even before you have seen the great pieces that are housed in the building. Once inside, the vast space of the world-famous Turbine Hall is able to truly take your breathe away, specially if happen to be there when some of those well-renowned Unilever exhibitions are awaiting. Let’s take for example Louise Bourgeois’s towers (I Do, I Undo, I Redo, 2000; and the spider), Olafur Eliasson’s The Weather Project (pictured below) in 2003 or Rachel Whiteread’sEmbankment (2005) – yes the giant sugar lupms!
Now that its first decade is over, it is by no means the end of the projects that the Tate has under its sleeve. There are plans for an extension in 2012. The new extension has been desinged by Herzog and de Meuron will rise from behind the power station and I can’t wait to see the end result.
So, if next weekend you are looking for something interesting to do in London, please consider visiting this fantastic place. You will surely have a great time.
Oh and don’t forget to have a look at the fantastic view from the restaurant at the very top floor.